Gut Rebalance Intensive Program

6 month All-Inclusive 1-on-1 Coaching Program

What if you could get to the root cause of your gut issues and feel in control of your life again?

Welcome to the

Gut Rebalance Intensive!

No more guessing about your health and get the support you deserve. Gut Rebalance is an all-inclusive one-on-one coaching program designed to uncover the root cause of your digestive issues so that you feel amazing for good.


Discover a healthy gut lifestyle,
so you can enjoy life again!

7, 14, 21-Day Group Program

The Gut Rebalance Intensive Program is an 6 month all-inclusive one-on-one coaching program that looks at the whole you and gives personalized protocols based on data from your body that will leave you feeling better than ever!

7, 14, 21-Day Group Program

How the Gut Rebalance Intensive Program Works

• During your initial meeting we will dive deep into your health story (concerns, symptoms, and goals). We will go over how the program works and how it can specifically help you, while also giving you plenty of time to ask questions. Then, we will map out a game plan including getting you functional labs to get you feeling better ASAP!


• Once your lab results are in we will review your data, current symptoms, nutrition, and lifestyle habits to identify the root causes that we will work on during our time together with a personalized nutrition plan that includes foods to focus on and foods to avoid.


• You will also receive a customized supplement protocol based on your body’s unique needs using nutrients and herbs that are shipped directly to you at no extra cost.


• During our time together, we will meet monthly to celebrate wins, address roadblocks, and make adjustments as needed. Between sessions, you have access to me through your Client Portal to ask questions. This is an in-depth program and I will there for you the whole way.


• At the end of your 6-month program you will receive a maintenance plan detailing how to take care of your health long-term. And the support doesn’t stop there! If you want additional check-ins or follow-ups, you will be able to book those as needed.


Gut Rebalance is for people looking to...

◼︎ reduce or eliminate any gut related issues (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, low energy, acne, low mood, acid reflex, and so much more!)
◼︎ increase mood + energy
◼︎ boost metabolism
◼︎ restore nutrient deficiencies
◼︎ reduce inflammation
◼︎ loss weight
◼︎ support anti-aging
◼︎ improve overall wellness

Gut Rebalance is NOT for you if...

◼︎ You are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive (growing + feeding a baby is not the best time to address bacterial/fungal overgrowth or parasites).
◼︎ You are looking for a quick fix or unwilling to make serious diet + lifestyle changes.
◼︎ You are unwilling or unable to use nutritional supplements and herbs during the program. Additional supports are often need to get you the best results in a short time.
◼︎ Your expectation is that someone else can heal you. This is your health journey. We can support you in understanding your own body and make the necessary changes for your long-term health, but healing is ultimately up to you and we’re celebrating YOU at the end.

Here's What You Get

☑︎ Functional Tests – These at-home tests will help us understand what is going on in your gut. With this program you will receive the Big 3 Gut Health tests: stool test, food sensitivity test, and organic acids test (OAT).

☑︎ Personalized Nutrition Plan – Nutrition is fundamental and by learning how to build really good foundations nutritionally, will help your body thrive.

☑︎ Supplement Protocols – Supplements can be a great therapeutic tool, that can provide the body with targeted support to rebalance any imbalances. It is a great way to move your healing forward, provide additional support, and fill any nutritional gaps.


☑︎ Lifestyle Practices + Tools – Lifestyle is a major contributor to your health and wellbeing. This is where we dig deep into stress, sleep, movement, mindset, etc. You will explore practices that support your nervous system, gut health, metabolism, and hormones.

Ready for Gut Rebalance Intensive?

What's included?

✓ a high-touch, completely personalized, 6-month coaching experience

 deep-dive initial consultation + co-strategy session (60 mins)

 at-home gut functional testing + interpretation

 protocols including nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations that build on each other over time

 follow-up every 6 weeks

 email + messaging support

 client bonuses + resources

Still Have Questions?

Functional testing allows us to get further information on what's going on for you and gives us a better idea of what's happening inside your gut.


These tests are mailed directly to you to complete at home. You mail it to the lab, then we review the results and protocols that will help rebalance any imbalances.


Included in this program, you will receive these 3 functional tests to get a clear picture of what is going in your gut: stool test, food sensitivity test, and organic acids test (OAT). I will also make any additional recommendations I think might be necessary.

While supplements aren't everything, I firmly believe that they're a critical part in that they can really support the body in healing more efficiently.


Supplements are a great way to fill in any nutritional gaps, provide the body with additional support, and expedite the healing process. I'm always intentional and strategic when it comes to supplementation.

Six months can feel like a long time, but there's a reason I'm firm on working with people for this long. In my personal experience, I've come to understand how healing digestive imbalances (especially chronic ones), take time.


That being said, 6 months of working with a practitioner who can make strategic, targeted recommendations for you, might be much less time than all of the trial-and-error in DIY-ing this work!


That's not to say we can't get you symptom relief much sooner (we focus on this in the first month), but as I work with a root-cause approach, it's important to me that we have the time and space available to really heal at the source, for long-term success, health, and wellness.


I also prioritize co-creating a plan with you so that it's as conducive as possible to your lifestyle, values, availability, etc.


The frequent check-ins, calls, and emails make the 3 months seem not-so-overwhelming. I'm here to support you however you need it, keep you accountable and motivated, and cheer you on! You can do this!

If you're struggling with chronic digestive issues that you just haven't been able to figure out (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, indigestion, gas, belching, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, etc.), low energy, burnout, stress, anxiety, brain fog, skin issues, irritability, memory issues, etc., this program could be a great fit for you.


Hopping on a free no-commitment discovery call will be really clarifying for you here. We can get to know each other a little better, to make sure we both think we're the right fit. We'll also be able to chat further about what you're experiencing, what your goals are, what your current lifestyle and responsibilities are like, and whether we both feel that I am the best person to support you with where you're at.

I understand the financial commitment here - it's a big deal!

If paying for the program in full isn't accessible for you at the moment, I do offer a monthly payment plan.

I don't want the financial investment to be an added stress for you - and there's no pressure for you to get started on this work! If you need to take some time to set money aside, I will be here ready to support you when the time is right and makes sense for you.

That being said - getting highly personalized support can take much of the guesswork, experimentation, time, and effort out of this process, which might ultimately save you more money in the end!

I don't currently offer any individual sessions. Healing takes time, commitment, and effort. I've found both personally and professionally that one-off appointments don't yield the same results as an extended period of time, with added accountability and a ton of support intermittently.


This way, we are both committed to doing this work properly. If you're invested in getting support, I personally want to make sure that it's being done properly - no half-assing around here, my friend! I want to make sure this investment of your money, energy, and time is worthwhile.

Great question!


Knowing what you've tried in the past (and what has or hasn't worked for you), is crucial information that can help better inform what's actually going on for you, as well as the direction we would take our work together. This is something that we chat about on our discovery call.


Likewise, the Gut Rebalance Intensive Program is designed to support you over a period of time, to ensure you feel equipped and prepared to move through each stage of healing, and so that you always know what to expect next. It also provides a container for accountability, which is so important when it comes to implementing and integrating recommendations.


As the client, you're the one putting in the work to see transformation in your health. As your practitioner, I'm here to guide you, make recommendations, support you, keep you accountable, and ensure you feel supported and aligned every step of the way.